Boss Battle: Wendigo
Unfortunately Square believes that you cannot get a long enough chain of boss fights and so it throws in this last little one to finish off quite a heavily-populated chain of difficult battles. First of all, use the typical Steal trick to get rid of the Guado Guardian's auto-potion ability, and kill them off systematically. Bring out Auron as well though, to begin with, to use Power Break on the Wendigo. The first move of the Guado will be to cast Berserk on it, which raises its Attack to a ridiculous level, capable of dealing 2000 damage in one hit. Using a Remedy or Esuna on the Wendigo won't work right now as the next move they get the Guado will recast it. Get your heavy hitters out and mince the Guardians. As each of them die, they will cast Protect or Shell on the Wendigo as a last gasp, and you currently have no method of getting rid of these. However, now that there are no more Guado, you can Remedy or Esuna the Wendigo to get rid of its Berserk, then reuse Power Break and wear it down until it dies. Using Haste will speed this battle up a bit. You can use Dark Buster on it if it helps. Watch out though, the Wendigo is smart and has a nasty habit of repeatedly attacking your lowest-health character until they die; and for some weird reason it seems to get more accurate the lower its health gets. Bring in an Aeon if you're having trouble, their overdrives will bury the Wendigo's 18000 HP into the snow in no time (use a Grand Summon if possible).
One last note: when the Wendigo raises it's fist in a blocking stance, it will counter most attacks you throw at it, so stick to magic and other forms of attacking (like Aeon special moves or anybody's Overdrive).