This is Via Purifico, Bevelle's supposedly inescapable dungeon which the party has found themselves in; or rather as two groups. There's Yuna, Kimahri, Lulu and Auron in the dry section and Tidus, Wakka and Rikku in the underwater section.
Yuna's SectionYou'll first gain control of Yuna, alone, in Via Purifico. There are enemies down here so until you get more party members you will have to summon in every battle. The monster encounter rate down here is pretty low but there's new enemies down here (although a lot are improved versions of previously encountered fiends, and none of them can be captured given that you can never return here). Ixion does the job quite nicely since a lot of enemies down here are Water-aligned, Shiva can dodge most attacks and do fair damage, and against crowds of enemies Bahamut does an even nicer job with Impulse. Save his Overdrive (or any aeon overdrive) if you get it, though.
Before you carry on out the top of Via Purifico search around for some chests to pick up stuff you can't come back and get, and if you look on your mini-map other arrows indicate your other party members so pick them up as soon as possible. In the same room as Kimahri there is a chest with a Mega-Potion, and he's located on the right-hand side of the dungeon. Auron's at the top of the area (he says that you need to search for the exit but the idiot's standing right next to it) by the Save Sphere. Lulu is on the left-hand side of the dungeon right next to a chest with a White Magic Sphere (very useful indeed). In the bottom left room there is a Destruction Sphere glyph you can touch (this is significant) and a chest with an Elixir.
If you head along the middle of the dungeon in a side room with a chest containing a Black Magic Sphere is another Destruction Sphere glyph you can stand on, which will cause a warp pad to move. Follow it to the top left of the area and use it to get past the gate into a side room. Here you can pick up a Lucid Ring, Skill Sphere, and to your south is a chest containing 10000 gil. Now, head on up and out the top (through the path with the red lights). You'll meet with Isaaru at the end, who's been ordered by the temple to rub you out. He's going to use his aeons to do it, so you're going to have to beat him in an aeon duel to the death.
Isaaru's Ifrit, Grothia
Unfortunately you start in the rough right from the start, since it starts with a full Overdrive. Summon Bahamut or Ixion and have them use Shield to take the brunt of Hellfire (this will either kill them or drop them into critical if you don't). However, Grothia is pretty weak strength-wise and really slow, so even Bahamut should be able to get a double turn in. Use Blizzaga and physical attacks then top it off with Mega Flare once you get an Overdrive. It shouldn't last long since Grothia doesn't have that much health (you might not even need to use Mega Flare).
Isaaru's Valefor, Pterya
Bahamut works well again (especially if you pound it with -aga magic and Mega Flare) or if things didn't go to well, Ixion/Shiva. Valefor is a little quicker than Grothia and a little more evasive, but is still slow enough to grant Bahamut the occasional extra turn, with Shiva regularly getting them. Don't worry about Mega Flare doing less damage than Thor's Hammer or Diamond Dust, because Mega Flare and the rest of Bahamut's attacks can exceed the damage limit of 9999 without the unsealing of any celestial weapons (which you haven't really got to know yet) and soon Mega Flare will be doing over 10000 damage. But for now it'll do about 7000. If it abuses Sonic Wings then unleashes an overdrive on you then Bahamut might find itself in a bit of trouble, but don't worry, it's not difficult (you can always summon another aeon if it dies).
Isaaru's Bahamut, Spathi
Here's the problem. Well, it would be, if Isaaru knew how to use Bahamut properly, which he doesn't. Spathi has a truckload of health and is pretty fast for a Bahamut (able to keep up with Shiva, who you should summon for this battle), but its only attacks are a countdown followed by Mega Flare. As you can guess this is an instant kill for an unshielded aeon. Shiva should use physical attacks (don't use Heavenly Strike since Spathi's immune to delay) until you get to overdrive when she should use Diamond Dust for 9999 damage. If you're lucky with critical hits and turn order you may be able to kill Spathi before he unleashes one Mega Flare. Otherwise heal up with a Blizzara on herself and then keep attacking. It's unlikely that Spathi will live to use another Mega Flare but if shielded the damage drops to below 600 which is more than survivable for Shiva.
Once that's over you'll carry on out of this area of Via Purifico (for a summoner, Isaaru's pretty bad, isn't he?). Yuna will get a lot of AP, and then you'll hear the boss battle theme once again.
Tidus' Section
This isn't really a section, more like a series of random encounters with remotely strong underwater fiends up to another save sphere and a pitifully easy boss battle. So, just get Tidus and swim along to the large doors into an open section (save along the way). If the monsters down here are giving you a bit of trouble, Tidus' Slowga is a godsend and will give you lots and lots of turns. Save again and enter the open area, and you'll meet an old friend…
Boss Battle: Evrae Altana
If Evrae Altana was anywhere remotely close in strength as he was when you fought him last this battle would be nightmarishly hard with just Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku. Although there's a 'proper' way you can fight this, the easiest and cheapest way to beat this guy is to use two Phoenix Downs on him. Each one will hit for precisely 8192 damage which is exactly half of his 16384 HP. Therefore, two kills him. If you're feeling nice, however, you can choose to fight this guy the other way, which is to beat him down. Watch out for Stone Gaze since this will instantly petrify and shatter a character if it connects, which it will most of the time (without intervention by armour with Stone Ward or Stoneproof). Since you've only got three to choose from and nobody else this is even worse than it was on the Airship.
Each one of Evrae Altana's physical attacks can do about 900-1000 damage to one person. Photon Spray got a minor power upgrade from the airship one, now doing about 150-200 damage per hit, and hitting more often. It's lost Poison Breath however, which is good. Evrae still has an annoying habit of counter-attacking, but it's not nearly as bad as it was on the Airship (it can't use Haste either, which is a bonus, and its resistances to Slow and Darkness have been dropped a little). Opening gate locks will cause the battle to begin anew further along, although you miss out on stuff by doing so. Use this if you're in trouble, since the restarting of the battle (Evrae stays at the same health as he was when you fled) will bring back any shattered characters and any KOed characters with 1 HP.
Ultimately there is absolutely no point in fighting this battle properly, so just go ahead and beat Evrae Altana with two Phoenix Downs. You know it makes sense. Just make sure you let everyone take a turn and congratulations, you get an Overkill and two Black Magic Spheres. The chests along the first section of the underwater tunnel contain a Rematch and an Avenger (weapons for Wakka and Tidus respectively). Once you get to the end you'll be reunited with the rest of your party. Unfortunately, Seymour shows up, and you'll see him get a little bit of an upgrade…well, quite a big one.
Fighting along the Highbridge
Kimahri will take it upon himself to hold back Seymour, but obviously he's not going to do much. You've got to actually get all the way back to him, and you'll be contending with the same combinations of enemies as you did up on the wedding platform, so check back on the Bevelle page for the tactics to beat them. Any Overdrives you get you should save for Seymour since he's quite difficult. Getting aeon overdrives will help but is not absolutely essential. Even though you're a traitor O'aka will still sell you stuff, although there's no equipment available from him, just items. Stock up on Softs if you've not got any or only a few since you'll be dealing with petrification in the next battle. Once you reach the end you'll meet up with Kimahri and fight Seymour!
Boss Battle: Seymour Natus and Mortibody
This is actually, In my opinion the easiest Seymour of them all. Simply use Yuna to cast reflect on the entire party and Seymour himself. He will pretty much beat himself up as he uses mostly spell attacks. When he uses Cura he will heal you. Try to only use physical attacks against him, I used Auron and Kimarhi but if you wish to use magic then cast it on yourself so that it will reflect and hit Seymour.When you want to heal use items or heal seymour so the spell reflects and gets you. Nothing really to it, one more thing, use every character at least once so they all get experience....Good experience. Enjoy whooping Seymour.
Once you're finished with Seymour he'll die again and you'll be off to Macalania Woods once more.