
  • Ochus are the same as the mini-boss you fought in Kilika Woods, except now they're a lot easier to handle and have 7200 HP rather than 4696. It has a normal attack that does 350 damage or thereabouts and inflicts poison, and not much else. Lulu's Fira if you have it (Fire will do) will quickly put the hurt on, otherwise just physically attack it. It is susceptible to Sleep Attack with Wakka (if he has it) but it won't work all the time.
  • Garms are wolves, so hit them with Tidus for a quick and easy kill. They occasionally inflict Silence.
  • Bite Bugs are aerial, so hit them with Wakka's ball. However, unlike other aerial monsters they aren't magic-resistant, so one Blizzard or Blizzara will finish them off.
  • Bunyips are slightly healthier versions of the Raldos you fought on Mi'ihen Highroad (and to a lesser extent, Djose Highroad and some parts of Mushroom Rock). One hit from Auron kills them, but maybe not one from Kimahri.
  • Snow Flans are ice-element flans, so resistant to physical attack. One Fira kills them.
Fighting Belgemine's Ixion

This is a significantly easier battle than the Ifrit battle simply because it's 2 vs 1. And that Ifrit is a bit more useful (at least now) than Valefor. Ixion's attacks don't hurt that much — ordinarily 250 or so and an Aerospark does about 300. After a while, it'll use Haste on itself, and you'll be instructed on how to give your aeons abilities they don't initially have outside of battle (so a fat lot of use now). This means it gets loads of turns, so watch out. About 4 or 5 physical attacks (doing about 700) followed by Hellfire will do Ixion in quite nicely with an overkill. After you beat it you'll be given the Summoners Soul and 2 Dragon Scales, and a tutorial on how to teach aeons new abilities. If you're wondering what the Dragon Scales are for, they will allow you to teach one aeon Watera. Woo. This is probably best used on Ixion to help combat Thunder-type enemies you'll be up against in the approaching Thunder Plains, but it's your choice.

Boss Battle: Extractor

Tidus should first cast Haste on both Wakka and himself. If Wakka has an Overdrive make sure you stop the reels on Thunder to take advantage of the boss' weakness. The boss is immune to darkness, silence and sleep so don't bother using their respective attacks. It will occasionally succumb to Delay Attack.

The boss has Aqua Shooter which does about 200 damage and has a weak delay effect on one person. "Readying Depth Charges" comes before Depth Charges, which you really don't want to see. The Extractor will float upwards in preparation, so to stop Depth Charges you need to deal enough damage (about 500) to make it come back down. Providing you don't ever let it do Depth Charges this battle should be pretty easy despite the fact that you only have two people — Haste will let you get lots of turns in anyway.